3 Award Ideas in Content Marketing

3 Award Ideas in Content Marketing

Sometimes, you shine brightest when you aren’t the star. That’s not to say we don’t all want our businesses to shine brightest and stand front in center in the spotlight, but sometimes the subtle sell is the best sell. At GCFL, our approach to marketing in the digital realm is one of storytelling. But not just any form of storytelling…storytelling through meaningful content. If you are familiar with our videos, then you may have noticed a pattern: a certain look to make you feel as if you are there…long shots of people having fun….glancing looks…smiles from a friendly crowd….direct shots of folks smiling and waving. We make a point of including close up shots of drinks, food, or the band…things you might focus on if you were actually there. We begin and end with wide shots of the venue to establish the location and then we tie it together nicely with music that plays to the mood of that particular event or establishment.

While it may appear like we’re just in the middle of all the fun and games, there is in fact a method to the madness. We are telling a story. And these are easy stories to tell because there is an inherent interest in seeing good looking people having a good time listening to great music.  But there is more to storytelling than just presenting a scene to the audience.  Storytelling, whether you realize it or not, is conveying a message. And when it comes to business, it’s YOUR message that is being conveyed. But it doesn’t always have to be a flashy, in your face story. Sometimes the best stories are subtle. And sometimes the best stories come from the business that may not even seem sexy or star-worthy…
Which brings us to award season. As we enjoy the awards theme at the annual Dogfish Head employee party, and as we trudge through awards season in Hollywood, it’s the perfect time to take stock of what it means to shine both as a star AND as a supporting role. Your business should be poised to win in any role and, as such, should be able to convey a compelling message in a variety of ways, be it collaborating, serving as the setting or backdrop, or playing to your own unique strengths while telling someone else’s story. Let’s take a look a few quick examples…